after years of travel, study, spiritual practice and vigorously exploring the many expressions of the psyche, i sip on a really simple cup of tea. it all comes back to this one perfect moment - and if this one perfect sip of simply being can be shared and savoured with others, it’s fragrance becomes even more potent. i share thoughts, stories, lessons, realisations, inspirations.

along the path I saw that sometimes a very subtle form of consumerism can keep us so busy seeking experiences and rigid cosmo-theories that we forget the truest ‘truths’ are hidden in the simplicity of a sip of tea - this very breath.

to reflect and see through each other’s eyes as we flow between the individual and the infinite is to me a precious treasure in the experience of life. to share and reflect with each other candidly is a celebration of life. and this candid expression is the very essence of a cup of OM.

it is a space of conscious creation, pure appreciation, simple meditation and zero expectations.

a Cup of OM is a cosy podcast where we tend to the inner garden and share stories, coming back to this moment to regulate the nervous system, one deep breath at a time.

a cup of OM was born from a simple cup of tea on a normal day.